Lemme guess.

You’re here because you’ve heard it's important to use stories in your business.

Spoiler alert…

It’s true.

If you want to connect with, resonate with, and inspire your followers, audience, or potential buyers, stories are a truly powerful way to do just that.

And there’s actual science behind it…

Why are stories so effective?


1. Stories are natural hooks.

As soon as we hear or read something that sounds like a story, we start paying attention. There have been some fascinating studies about how the brain is wired to want to listen to stories.

Which means, stories are a fantastic way to get your audience’s attention when you’re speaking, or to get your email subscribers to actually read your newsletters or even promotional emails!


2. People remember stories better than facts, steps, or data!

We like to stuff our talks full of as MANY teaching points as possible, to impress and wow the audience with all of our stellar material. But the truth is, they won't retain it all.

You can teach me The 5 Steps to a Better Work-Life Balance, and that's great. I'll know you gave me good material.

But if you tell me about the time you ended up in the hospital because you were working yourself to death, and that's what led you to start focusing on health and wellness? That's what I will remember, and that's what I will relate to.


3. Stories connect people. 

The way our brains work, when we hear a story, our brain doesn't just listen to the story. It experiences the story. It's how we learn. It also allows your audience to feel like they've gone on a journey with you, like they've been through something with you. 

Stories show that you're human – and people want to connect with people, not just useful information.


4. Stories build credibility.

In your story, you get to talk about the results you've had, and what you've done for your clients. And when your audience sees that you've been through similar experiences to their own, they trust that you can help them get through it, too.

This is why top marketers talk so much about using stories in your business.


In fact, if you attend a lot of business events, sales webinars, or trainings, you'll notice that…

…some of the best speakers spend more time storytelling than they do teaching or selling.


Because they know connecting with their audience is far more important than dazzling them with knowledge or expertise.

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See, it's all well and good if you’re great at talking about your business, teaching action steps, and sharing a powerful message.

These are all super important skills to have as a business owner.

But there are times when you need to...

  • Write new blog articles and newsletters. (You don't want to feel like you're saying the same thing over and over again.)

  • Present in front of an audience for 60 minutes. Or even a full day... or even THREE days! You gotta throw in some inspiration + entertainment. It can't just be teach, teach, teach.

  • Keep people engaged in conversation – without sounding like you're just lecturing everyone.

  • Write promotional emails, but you don't want to keep saying, "Have this problem? Buy my program!" in every single email.

This is when STORIES become your new best friend.

But here’s the thing…

When I look at the stories they're telling – or rather, how they're telling those stories...

...they're missing two major, crucial, uber-important, must-have keys.

In some cases, this can actually do more harm than good if you're trying to build a relationship of trust or to position yourself as an expert.

That’s why I teach my clients that there are…

2 Keys to Using Stories in Your Business:

Key #1:

Tell a story that aligns with the message or lesson you want to impart.

I see a lot of business stories out there that don’t seem to have a point.

It’s like the business owner thought, “I’m supposed to use stories in my business. So, okay, let me tell a story here!” But it ends up reading like a self-indulgent recounting of happenings from their life… that has nothing to do with the audience.

The thing is – you can tell any kind of story – a silly anecdote from childhood, a story about your Dark Night of the Soul, a story about your first job out of college – anything

…as long as it has a purpose.

Key #2:

Finish the story by telling your audience what that message or lesson is.

Now, this one might sound like #1, but...

A lot of entrepreneurs write or tell stories that do have a point...

...but they never actually SAY what the point is!

The storyteller assumes that the audience will naturally understand the takeaway. Or she didn't realize that she needed to say what the takeaway is. So she never sums it up or states it explicitly.

Nope, nope, nope.

Don’t ever assume your audience will magically infer the lesson you wanted them to get from your story. Don’t make them work for it.

Hand that story’s lesson to them on a silver platter.

Without these two keys, a visitor to your site might read an entire story – one that you think is super inspirational – and get to the end and think, "Wait, why did I just read that whole thing?"

Or a follower on social media might read your post or watch your video where you share a lovely, vulnerable story about a real-life struggle you endured, and then think, "Wow. I mean... I guess she was brave to share that?" 

But they won't understand that you've learned and grown from that experience – and you can help them learn and grow, too!

And in the worst cases, a long, rambling, pointless story can make you look like a hot mess who overshares. 

And even though we do want to open up and get vulnerable now and then in our content marketing, we still want to look like we know what we're doing and that we can help our target market.

The way to do that is: attach a lesson to your story + state that lesson clearly.

And then you can tell whatever kind of story you want! (Yes, even the silly stories from your childhood, or the super vulnerable ones, or the ones that would otherwise make you look like a hot mess.)

If you can stick to those 2 keys, then you’re well your way!

Okay. Great.

You’re totally on board with the idea of using stories for your business…

But what happens if you…

  • don’t have any stories?

  • aren’t sure how to attach a message or lesson to your stories?

  • have run out of stories – and you just keep telling the same ones over and over again?


Presumably, that’s why you’re here, on this page. =)


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In this online course, I walk you through…

  • a simple brainstorming process to generate a whole slew of story ideas…

  • 2 story-generation methods that you can choose from…

  • how to find inspiring + motivating lessons that go along with each story…

  • and how to organize it all, so your stories are always right at your fingertips!

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You get…

  • 4 videos that you can watch at your own pace. Not only do I explain the different story-plus-lesson methods – I also give you story examples and then walk you through the actual brainstorm process right there in the videos.

  • A 22-page workbook that you can print out and fill in as you go through the brainstorm process with me. I made this as easy as possible for you!

  • A Story-Generation spreadsheet that you can use instead of (or alongside) the PDF workbook – it also helps you organize + create a content schedule + keep track of where you’ve used each story!

It’s fast.

It’s simple.

And you can use this process over and over again, whenever you need to drum up some new stories.

Oo… and a bonus, too!

Once you’ve got all your sparkly new story ideas, it’s time to start using them!

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So I’m throwing in a bonus training:

The “Moral of the Story” Article Template

In this video + handout training, I give you a template for how to write an article for your blog or email newsletter that centers around a story (surprise!)… and then gives a meaningful lesson at the end.

(Note: This class is pulled directly from my Article Magic course – and you get it for free with How to Uncover 36 Inspiring Story Ideas in Just 1 Hour!)

Your Investment

If you’re ready to uncover your treasure trove of inspiring stories…

…all you need to know is this 4-part video course + 22-page workbook is just one single of payment $27.





I know buying online courses can be a little hit-or-miss. Creating content that is immensely helpful to you is one of my favorite parts of my business. (I’m known for giving a ton of value, with take-you-by-hand, step-by-step instruction in everything I create.)

That said, I want to make sure you are fully satisfied. So I’m offering a 14-day money-back guarantee. You have 14 days from the date of purchase to try this product out. If it’s not for you, I’m happy to give you a full refund within the 14 days from the date of your purchase.

Who the heck am I?

I’ve been helping entrepreneurs tell stories since 2012.

Your story guide, Cheryl Binnie of CopyLuv.com

Your story guide, Cheryl Binnie of CopyLuv.com

If you don’t know me, hi! I’m Cheryl Binnie, founder of Copy Luv. I’m a messaging and copywriting strategist & coach for entrepreneurs.

Which means I help them with everything from writing their websites, to crafting webinar and video scripts, to writing huge online launches and email campaigns, and more.

And that means I’ve written, edited, and helped generate a lot of stories.

So I know the right questions to ask you in order to pull out stories that even you have forgotten about!

I’ve taken that process + a whole lot of extra brainstorming questions and put them into this course, so you can do it on your own!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When will I get my materials?

When you join, you’ll get an email with a link to the classroom where you’ll get immediate access to all course materials.

Q. What if I decide this isn’t for me?

I stand by my 100% money-back 14-day guarantee. Plus, I’m committed to making great products – so if you’ve got suggestions to make this better, lemme know!

Q. What level of business will this work for?

Any level! Beginner to advanced, you’re gonna need stories in your business. This course helps you brainstorm a whole slew of story ideas – and it helps you come up with meaningful lessons and takeaways for each story as you go!

Q. Who is this course NOT for?

If you’re looking for me to teach you how to tell a story, or if you need help crafting your Signature Story (aka, your Origin Story or Intro Story) – this course does not cover those topics. It’s laser-focused on coming up with story ideas that can be used all over your business. (Although the “Moral of the Story” Article Template bonus does help you figure out how to use a story in your articles.)

Q. What if I need more help with my stories, messaging, or copywriting?

Sweet! I have other online courses, and I also take on a few private clients for my Done-WITH-You Copywriting program. Feel free to reach out to us via email with questions about working together at: info@copyluv.com

Stop telling the same old story over and over again.

Enroll now for one payment of $27…

…and discover an entire lifetime’s worth of inspiring, impactful stories – all waiting inside of you!