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Article Magic

7 article templates to make writing your newsletters & blog posts as easy as filling in the blank


Upgrade to get “36 Story Ideas” PLUS “Article Magic” – your new total will be just $77

No thanks, I don’t want Article Magic + bonuses. Just give me the “36 Story Ideas” course.


No matter where you’re at in business…

It’s wild how common it is to get stuck writing content for your business.


Even if you like writing.

Even if you went to school for some kind of writing.

Even if you had a job that required you to write.

Even if you’ve had your business for several years and feel like you “should” know how to write your content.

I constantly meet entrepreneurs who struggle to keep creating fresh content.

The good news is (yes, there’s good news)…

It can be way easier.


…You’re finally creating new, engaging + valuable content that your audience members (and ideal clients) are excited to read – and you do it consistently.

…You no longer feel like you’re writing “the same old thing” over and over again – because you’re brimming over with new ideas!

You hear back regularly from your audience – with little love notes saying, “This is just what I needed to read!” and emails asking, “Are you taking on new clients now? I’d love to talk.”

(I know. That last one seems too-good-to-be-true. But I’ve actually had people reply to my articles to ask about working together – bunches of times.)


You just need an easy, step-by-step system to get your ideas flowing.

A system that makes putting those ideas into effective article formats, proven to engage readers.

This is why I created Article Magic.


Ready to get the step-by-step article-writing system?


Article Magic is an online course where I not only give you my 7 favorite step-by-step article templates… I also walk you through how to use them!


Here’s what you get when you upgrade to Article Magic…

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My 3-Step System to Generate Endless Ideas for Content

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I walk you through a quick system to brainstorm ideas for your articles (and any content for your business!) that you can use over and over again.

It’s fast.

It’s simple.

And it has the added bonus of simultaneously organizing your ideas as you brainstorm them – so you never have to look at a messy braindump and think, “What am I supposed to do with all this?” ever again.

You also get…

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7 Article Templates + Videos


You get access to the 7 article templates, in downloadable PDF handouts – so you can print them out and keep the templates next to you while you write. Or you can simply follow along with the digital handout while typing your article on your computer.

With each template, you also get a video where I walk you through filling them in — so if you need a little more instruction while working on your articles, you can watch the videos.

And each video is short, only 10-15 minutes long, so you can sit down, hammer out an article quickly, and move on.



And if those 7 templates aren’t enough, you also get…

2 Bonus Articles

Because why stop at 7 when I’ve got two more up my sleeve? (Get it? Up my sleeve? Like a magician… Because, Article Magic?)



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Want the most simple, easy-to-crank-out article format there is? Say hello to the Super Basic Article. This is your rock-solid friend that saves the day every time!




The Expert RoundUp article doesn’t just help you hit your content creation quota – it also has the ability to get you new traffic + build relationships with other experts!



Plus… even more bonuses!


5 Article Title Formulas

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Now that you’re writing articles like a pro… what do you CALL them?

I’ve seen far too many well-written articles get little (or zero) attention simply because they have snooze-worthy titles.

That’s why I’m throwing in this bonus class + cheatsheet where I give you my 5 favorite formulas for writing eyeball-grabbing, click-inducing titles.

I’ve even included a bunch of fill-in-the-blank examples for each formula. And yes, you totally have my permission to steal them. ;)



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Because, while you’ll be able to churn out articles using these templates, I want to make sure you’re doing it RIGHT.

And by that I mean, you’re doing it in a way where people will actually read your content.

Because here’s the thing — writing content for the internet is WAY different from any other type of writing you’ve ever done.

See, people who read online are reading in a different way from people who read print, like newspapers or novels.

Namely, they’re going FAST.

They skim.

(It’s okay. It doesn’t mean your writing is boring. We ALL skim online content.)

So a crucial part of writing online content is formatting it in a way that gets people to STOP skimming and actually READ your content…

…which is exactly what I teach you in this bonus training. ;)


I knew who I wanted to work with but I didn’t know how to reach them. I wasn’t sure how to get someone to open their email, be engaged with what I was saying and take action.

I would sit in front of my computer screen for hours, stewing with anger and anxiety.

Thanks to Cheryl, I’m now able to connect with my tribe, get in their head, move them to action and ultimately change their lives.

I had my first 5-figure month and since then have used the same skills and copy strategies Cheryl taught me to transform my business into 6 figures and beyond.

I enjoy writing now and connecting to my tribe and I feel confident in how to connect with my people.
— Heather Chauvin, Parenting & Women’s Leadership Coach

Upgrade to get “36 Story Ideas” PLUS “Article Magic” – your new total will be $77

No thanks, I don’t want Article Magic + bonuses. Just give me “36 Story Ideas.”



I want you to be MORE than satisfied with the information delivered in Article Magic. If for some reason this course doesn’t meet your expectations, you’ll have 14 days to ask for a refund. You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire and return it within 2 days to prove that you’ve gone through the material, since we don’t refund for non-participation. If you follow these steps, you can absolutely receive a refund. You have my word on it.

Total Value: $405

And I actually normally sell Article Magic for $197.

But right now, since the whole world is scrambling to adjust to our reality of social distancing…

…and everyone business owner I know is trying to figure out ways to connect with their audiences online…

…I wanted to make this more accessible.

So right now, you can get “Article Magic” + “How to Uncover 36 Story Ideas” for just…


Here’s everything you’ll get…

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  • My 3-Step System to Generate Endless Ideas for Content

  • 7 downloadable Article Templates

  • Video walk-throughs of all 7 templates

  • 2 Bonus Article Templates (with videos!)

  • Bonus #1: 5 Article Title Formulas

  • Bonus #2: Copywriting Magic: How to write so people actually read your content

    Plus… the “How to Uncover 36 Inspiring Story Ideas in Just 1 Hour” course.


Get started today with one payment of:


(limited time offer to save $120)

Get instant access to “Article Magic” + all the bonuses + “How to Uncover 36 Story Ideas” for $120 OFF the regular price.

Upgrade to get “36 Story Ideas” PLUS “Article Magic” – your new total will be $77

No thanks, I don’t want Article Magic + bonuses. Just give me “36 Story Ideas.”


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I think it IS magical.

We get compliments and new business every time a newsletter goes out!
Cheryl draws out teaching points and highlights important information in a way that is fun and easy to read. I don’t know how she does it.
— Elena Volkova, Esq., owner of Volkova Law Group PLLC

Working with Cheryl has been an absolute blast!
She has an uncanny ability
to make the dreaded writing process fun and uplifting
…as well as capture the BEST version of someone’s voice with a fun, persuasive style that you can’t help but want to read.
— Bonnie Fahy, Creator of Source it!, and The ‘O’ Word Expert

“Sooooooooo awesome!”
You are really excellent at identifying the pain and painting the solution while integrating stories. It was fun and jam-packed with TONs of takeaways.

I’m totally in love with the templates you created.
— Christina Salerno, Founder of Living Quirky

Ready to work some magic?

Get instant access to “Article Magic” + all the bonuses + “How to Uncover 36 Story Ideas” for $120 OFF the regular price.

Upgrade to get “36 Story Ideas” PLUS “Article Magic” – your new total will be $77

No thanks, I don’t want Article Magic + bonuses. Just give me “36 Story Ideas.”