Have you ever said any of this about your website?

"It's too formal. It doesn't sound like me."

"It's not clear what I do!"

"I've shifted my business and target market, but my website still talks about the old stuff."

"I have STUFF and I have lots of WORDS, but I don't know how to put it together."

"I have a big personality, but it's nowhere in my website!"

"My story isn't in there.”

"I want to be authentic in my message and relatable to my ideal clients."

"I want my website to sell, but I don't want to use manipulative marketing strategies."

Well, guess what?

You are SO not alone.

Because all of those quotes up there?

They all came from real business owners, just like you.

Because websites are hard, y’all.

You know they’re important for your business.

You know you need to write one (or rewrite your old one).

A black and white photo of Cheryl sitting in a window sill.

But you *also* know you don't want just any ol' website...

... you want a website that resonates with your ideal client.

... you want a website that speaks with a human voice (preferably your voice).

... you want a website that's clear and easy-to-navigate, so your visitors can find what they need and take the right steps.

... you want a website that gets your visitors to take an action – like click a link to the next page, or sign up for your email list, or buy directly from the site, or reach out to you about working together.

But if you're reading this page (and I have a sneaking hunch you ARE reading this page), you might also be stuck in one of the traps I've seen so many brilliant entrepreneurs stumble into...

Maybe you...

  • don't think you're a good writer. Period. 

  • are a good writer (and even like writing), but when it comes to writing for your business, you're totally lost.

  • have already tried writing your site – but it's not working. It's not connecting with people or moving them into action.

  • had a website that worked for a little bit, but now your business has shifted, or you've gotten more clarity, or you know that it's outdated... but you want some help with it.

  • have no idea how to write in your own "voice." It all comes out stiff and formal, and your friends are like, "It's good... it just doesn't sound like you."

  • don't want to pay someone thousands of dollars to write it for you... but you've been procrastinating on doing it yourself for way too long.

  • have a website that works "okay," but it’s not a true representation of your message or the deeper value of your work.

If any of that sounds familiar, you're in the right place. =)


A cute course logo that says: Write Your Website - A Copy Luv Course

How to write a message-driven website (in your unique voice!) that wows your ideal clients

A computer monitor, iPad, smartphone and workbook, all displaying content from the Write Your Website course

Write Your Website is an online course for business owners who want to turn their website visitors into raving fans + paying clients.

Here's a quick peek at what you'll create in Write Your Website...

  • A Homepage that captures your ideal client's attention & clearly explains what you do + how you're different.

  • An About Page that CONNECTS with your target market & gets them excited to learn more about your services and products.

  • A Services or Products Page that moves your visitor to take immediate action.

  • PLUS any "optional" pages you may need for your business, like a Speaking Page, Events Page or Informational Page.

  • Copy for an entire website that is FILLED with your voice, is ALIGNED with your message, and RESONATES with your target market.

Here’s how it works…

An image of one of the workbooks from the Write Your Website course

Write Your Website is an 11-module online course. Each module includes a video class, fillable worksheet, and fill-in-the-blank template.

As soon as you enroll, you get access to ALL of it. So you can go through the material at your own pace – and come back to it as many times as you need.

Okay. So what are you actually going to be learning how to write?

So glad you asked!

Here’s the curriculum…

Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 1 - Get Clear Before You Get Started


Before you dive straight into trying to write your website, you have to start by making sure you’re clear on a number of key elements.

(Trust me – having all this figured out in advance makes the actual writing part soooo much easier!)


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 2 - Homepage

The most important page on your website! The Homepage’s job is to catch your visitor’s attention, let them know who you work with and what you do, make them feel a connection with you, and then direct them further into the website.

Find out how to write a Homepage that does all of that (and more) in Module 2.


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 3 - About Page

The About Page is the 2nd-most viewed page on most websites – so let’s make it a good one!

In Module 3, you’ll learn how to craft an About Page that makes your visitor connect with you on a deeper level, helps them understand your experience and credibility, and warms them up to the idea of hiring you or buying from you.


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 4 - Services / Products Page(s)

It’s time to show off your offerings! In this class, you’ll get a variety of options for how to structure these pages, depending on your business model and number + types of offerings.

You’ll also learn the secrets to getting website visitors to take action after visiting these pages – whether that’s to book a call with you, email you, or buy something directly from your website.


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 5 - Informational Page(s)

  • Need to give us the history or background of a type of massage therapy you use?

  • Need to explain what your methodology actually IS?

  • Need to explain why you choose certain ingredients over others?

  • Have different types of specific problems you help people with and want a place to dive in deep on each one?

  • Need a portfolio?

Informational Pages are extra pages for when you have more “stuff” you want to say... but don’t want to bog down your main pages.


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 6 - Speaking Page

Want to get booked as a guest speaker more often? Adding a Speaking Page to your website can help!

On this page, you let organizers, hosts, and decision-makers know what kind of speaker you are, what your potential talk topics are, how they can get more information, and how to take the next step in scheduling you at their upcoming event.


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 7 - Events Page

If you host events on a regular (or semi-regular) basis, you may want to have a place to list all of them + invite visitors to get more details and register.

Module 7 gives you a simple way to introduce + describe your upcoming events.


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 8 - Book Page(s)

Have a book (or multiple books) associated with your business? This is a dedicated page to let your website visitors know all about it + allow them to purchase a copy.


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 9 - Contact Page

While many websites simply slap a contact form on this page and call it a day, I encourage you to take just one more tiny step and give this page some personality.

It’s easy for your visitor to look at a blank form and feel like, even if they fill it out, it’ll just be sent to the ethers and no one will ever see it. So I give some simple ways to make your visitor feel like you DO want to hear from them.


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 10 - Blog Page

Did you know there are different strategies for organizing your blog?

Well, learn the differences in Module 10 + decide exactly how you want your blog to work!


Graphic of a purple scroll with a magic wand

Module 11 - Pulling It All Together & Final Clean-Up

If you’ve ever tried to write your own website before, you know that one of the biggest dangers is when you’ve written WAY TOO MUCH, and you’re not sure which bits to put where.

In this final module, I walk you through how to put all your different pieces of copy together, for a website that flows and guides your visitor to the action step you want them to take.


You’ll also get…

The Copy Luv Fill-in-the-Blank

Website Copy Template


You’ll use this fill-in-the-blank template to pull together an organized draft of your website copy that flows together nicely.

THIS is the template that makes my private clients’ jaws drop.

And, then – once they realize that they’ll (finally!) be able to write their website copy in an organized manner that they can easily hand off to a web designer or developer – they breathe a huge sigh of relief.

A screenshot of the Website Copy Template. It's real cool.

Bonuses, anyone?


Bonus 1: Client-Winning Messages

A computer monitor showing the classroom for Client-Winning Messages, and two sets of workbooks

Throughout the Write Your Website Worksheets and Template, there are places where I ask you to insert what I call your Handshake Intro and your Point of View Statement.

While Module 1 walks you through a quick version of this, the Client-Winning Messages course is a deeper dive into uncovering + crafting these elements of your message in a way that truly gets your ideal client’s attention + makes them excited to learn more.

If you REALLY want your message to ring loud and clear in your website copy, this bonus mini-course will make. your. day!

Value: $197 —> You get it for FREE with Write Your Website!

Bonus 2: Copywriting Magic

A screenshot of a video from Copywriting Magic

As you work through your website copy, you may like what you’re coming up with… but you may get the feeling that it’s still not crafted or formatted in a way that works.

In this bonus, I take you through my Copywriting Magic Checklist, where you’ll learn all the quick, simple, and HIGHLY powerful tweaks to make your copywriting more effective.

Value: $47 —> You get it for FREE with Write Your Website!


Who am I?

A photo of Cheryl in a peach blouse and white jeans, smiling.

Hi! I'm Cheryl Binnie.

I'm a messaging & copywriting strategist for coaches, services providers, and small businesses.

And I totally started out with my own "just for now" website, back in 2012.

Y'know – the website you throw up before you really have any idea who you're trying to talk to, or what services you actually want to offer...

And it worked for a bit. 

Mainly because my first few writing gigs were for personal friends, and they didn't even bother looking at my website.

But then they started sending me referrals...

...people who had never met me in person.

And I realized that my "just for now" website wasn't going to cut it.

Because – even though I was a copywriter – my own site was committing one of the biggest mistakes I see other sites make...

It was missing something very important... ME.

I had modeled it after other copywriters' sites, so it said the things you'd expect a copywriter to say ("I write copy that gets people to take action!")

And it was clean and professional, and checked all the boxes that I'd learned from all the copywriting courses I'd taken.

But here's the thing – I had kind of magically stumbled into writing for coaches, consultants, experts and solo-preneurs. 

And those types of business owners need their copy to be written in their voice. It has to be full of personality, and it has to sound like THEM.

Which means I had to develop a way of writing that was different from what most copywriting gurus were teaching...

See, all of the copywriting courses I'd taken were taught by well-known, famous copywriters who really knew what they were doing.

But they NEVER talked about capturing someone's voice.

It was all Old School copywriting for flashy internet marketers, or big companies, or tech startups. Not personal brands.

So when I started writing for coaches, their #1 concern was – could I capture their voice?

And could I resonate with their ideal clients?

Because they'd worked with other copywriters who just couldn't do it. It all came out sounding salesy, or like some cheesy version of themselves.

And the wild thing was – I COULD capture their voice. And I COULD resonate with their clients.

At first, I did all the writing FOR my clients... but eventually people started asking if I could teach them how to write their own copy.

Because, wildest of all wild things – THEY were having trouble capturing their OWN voices! And they weren't sure how to resonate with their ideal clients in their own writing!

So I began developing my own systems and approaches to writing copy.

Copy that feels authentic, genuine, and HUMAN.

Copy that attracts your ideal clients and shows them that you get it.

Copy that moves your readers to take an action.

Copy that results in new clients and more sales.

And that's exactly what I'm going to share with you in Write Your Website.


Ready to Write Your Website?

The thing I want you to know is that you're getting a lot in this course.

Like, a LOT-lot.

Back when people could hire me to write their website copy for them, they spent anywhere from $3,500-$5,000+. And that was just for the website copy.

Today, my private done-WITH-you clients still pay multiple thousands of dollars to write their website with me.

But in Write Your Website, not only will you learn how to write over 8 different types of pages for your site – you're also going to get the fill-in-the-blank website template to beat all fill-in-the-blank website templates!

And the best part?

You'll have these skills forever. 

So any time your business shifts, or you need to add a new service or talk to a new target market – you'll know how to do it, without having to go hire someone for a few thousand dollars.

And you WON'T be paying $5,000 for the Write Your Website course.

Or $3,500.

Or even $1,000.

Or even $500.

The investment for Write Your Website is $397 USD.




Let’s do this!



Single payment of:


Payment Plan

2 payments of: $200

(first payment charged today; second charged 2 weeks later)


Money-Back Guarantee

A round, yellow seal that says, "100% Money-Back Guarantee"

Look, I'm giving you a TON of amazing material in this course. But I know it may not be a perfect fit for everyone.

That's why you have 30 days to test-drive the course and implement the writing, to request a refund.

If you reach out to us within 30 days of your purchase to show us that you've done the work (you have to show me proof with at least 3 of the fill-in-the-blank worksheets), and you still don't feel like you've made progress or learned anything useful, then I'll be happy to return the investment.

But you DO have to do the work.

Because I WANT your business to do well. I WANT you to reach more people and impact more lives.

So I'm going to be strict on this: you must do the work and show it to us in order to receive a refund.



Q. What if I don't know my target market yet?

A. That's okay. In fact, some of the writing exercises you'll go through in the program will help you gain clarity around who your ideal client / customer is. (Make sure you start with the Client-Winning Messages Bonus class right away!)

Plus, the thing I've noticed is that we ALL end up shifting our target market or the description of our services & products after we've been in business for a bit. That's a natural part of growing as a business.

So you actually *need* to learn how to write these pages for yourself, so you'll know how to come back now and then to shift them to speak more directly to your newer ideal client.

You also don't ever want "I don't know my target audience" to stop you from taking action. (I've seen entrepreneurs get stuck on this step for 6-12+ months – no joke – before they ever start putting themselves out there!)

And while yes, it IS important to know who you're talking to in order to connect with them – like I said, you're going to gain some clarity simply by going through the steps I lay out for you in the program.

Q. What if I already have a website?

A. Good for you! You're already ahead of the bunch.

But my question for you is – do you LOVE your website?

Does it truly sound like you?

Do you know that it connects with your ideal people?

Does it move people to take the actions you want them to take?

Or do you suspect there are bits and pieces that could be written better or working harder for you? Or sound more like you?

You don't need to be starting from scratch to take this course. 

You could easily use these modules, worksheets, and templates to go back over what you've already written and make it stronger + more resonant + more action-driven.

Q. What if I want you to write it for me?

A. D'awwww, shucks. =)

First of all, thank you. It truly means the world to me when people are ready to trust me with their voice online.

The only problem is – I'm not taking on writing clients anymore. 

(I do have a private done-WITH-you copy coaching program. You can check it out here, but know that the investment is significantly more than this course, and there’s often a wait list.)

I created this program because I encounter so many entrepreneurs who desperately need a website – or a newer, better website – but they're scared to hand over their voice to just anyone who calls themself a copywriter… and they certainly can’t afford to make that multiple-thousands-of-dollars investment only to get back copy that’s NOT written in their voice, or that’s too cheesy and salesy, or just… off.

The other thing is – if you're still in the beginning phases of your business (or are only in your first "target market shift"), then I highly recommend you DON'T invest in having someone else write your copy.

Because you're going to change your mind. 

You're going to gain more clarity around what you *really* want to say, what it is you *really* do, and who you *really* want to attract (and who you don't).

So the last thing you want to do is put down a few thousand dollars to get the "perfect website copy" written... and then, just a few months later, realize it all needs to change, anyway.

The great thing about Write Your Website is that you're learning how to make those shifts yourself. So you can use these skills throughout the entire lifetime of your business.

Q. I'm terrible with technology. Will I be able to handle this class, plus all the implementation?

A. You are SO not alone on this.

I'd say the majority of business owners I work with tell me they're "bad with tech" or even "scared of technology." (And I mean, they ALL insist that they're the biggest technophobe I've ever met.)

But no worries – you’ll also get video walkthroughs of how to access, use, and save all of the worksheets and templates.

Q. Will this program work for MY business?

A. Most likely yes.

I work mainly with coaches and service providers who work with clients either one-on-one, or in group settings. They may also sell digital products, like online courses or ebooks.

I also mainly work with entrepreneurs who have a "personal brand" – the business IS them, their name, their voice, their personality.

So most of what I teach will be geared toward businesses in that category.

Now, if you're an e-commerce site, an agency, or a brick-n-mortar business, you can still learn a LOT from this course. Like, how to talk to your website visitors with a human voice, rather than dry, stiff, "company speak."

I also recommend you ask lots of questions in the Q&As if you're ever unsure how something applies to your business.

Here are some examples of business types I've worked with in the past...

  • Coaches of all types (business, health, relationship, life, parenting, etc)

  • Healers, energy workers, and body workers

  • Therapists and counselors

  • Attorneys

  • Jewelry designers

  • Food product companies

  • Professional Development experts for k-12 teachers

  • Internet Marketers & Digital Marketers

  • Wedding planners and event organizers

  • Business Service Providers (graphic designers, project managers, virtual assistants, etc)

  • Keynote Speakers

  • Home organizers

  • Tutors and Academic Coaches

  • Architects and Home Designers

  • Fitness and Yoga Instructors

…and more.

The cool thing is – you're going to walk away with a website that does something many other sites in your industry are failing at – connecting with your potential buyers on a human level and taking care of them as they navigate your site.

Q. I hate writing / I'm a bad writer. Will I be able to write my own copy?

A. I promise you – you're not alone.

(If you were the only business out there who felt like that, I wouldn't have had a business for the past 10 years!)

But that's WHY I started creating courses to help entrepreneurs like you. Because you have to learn this skill set.

You're always going to need to communicate about what you do – and a lot of that communication will be written.

Since I work with a lot of coaches and personal brands, I've had to come up with ways to "pull out" the person's voice and personality. I'm going to share those tricks and methods with you in this program – and that's when writing becomes fun, easy, and natural.

So, yes. I do believe you CAN write your own copy.

Q. It sounds great, but... #NoMoney.

A. Honest answer? If you had money pouring in through your website already, you wouldn't need this course.

Now, I can't promise that you'll make tons of money right away if you take this course. There are other variables in play, like: Will you do the work? Will you actually put yourself out there, in order to get people coming to your website in the first place? Etc.

But I do know that customers and clients use the internet to learn more about a person or an offer when they're on the fence. And if someone is on the fence about working with you, the last thing you want is an outdated website to put any more doubts in their mind.

There's also a spike in confidence when you finally have a website you feel great about – a website that you’re happy to share with others and know is written to maximize any exposure you get... so you’re no longer losing potential leads. You’re hooking their attention, speaking directly to their hearts, nurturing a new relationship with them, and turning them into paying clients.

It might sound cheesy, but really – if you're trying to run a business, how can you afford NOT to have great copy on your website?

Q. I'm already taking another business course / working with a business coach.

A. Great! This is the perfect add-on for other business programs, because it actually helps you implement some of the things your coach is telling you to do. 🙃


To recap, you get…

The Full Website Copy Template – a fill-in-the-blank template that helps you take all your ideas and put them together in a website that flows!

And in-depth classes that teach you how to write each page, with video lessons, and fillable worksheets:

  • Module 1: Get Clear (Message)

  • Module 2: Homepage

  • Module 3: About Page

  • Module 4: Services / Products Page

  • Module 5: Informational Page(s)

  • Module 6: Speaking Page

  • Module 7: Events Page

  • Module 8: Book Page(s)

  • Module 9: Contact Page

  • Module 10: Blog Page

  • Module 11: Pulling It All Together & Final Clean-Up

And 2 BONUSES to help you make sure your copy both resonates with your ideal client and is written in a way that’s easy-to-read + gets your readers to take action:

  • Bonus #1: Client-Winning Messages mini-course (value: $197)

  • Bonus #2: Copywriting Magic class (value: $47)

All for $397.


So... are you ready?

Or... even if you're not "ready," do you feel like this is something you need or really want to do, anyway?

Because there are people out there, waiting to find you.

But they'll never be able to find you if you don't put something out there...

And they'll never be able to recognize you as "their person" if you don't have a website that resonates with them.

And, most importantly, your dream of growing a profitable business, where you get to work with people you love, doing work you love... that depends on your ability to attract in the right people and move them to action.

THAT's what I'm excited to show you how to do in Write Your Website.

Because your people are waiting to hear from you... the REAL you.




Let’s do this!


Single payment of:


Payment Plan

2 payments of: $200

(first payment charged today; second charged 2 weeks later)